to perfect the angle and height of the cleat to optimize mainsheet jamming.
The Allen A5266 Mainsheet Jammer is designed to prevent the sheet
from wrapping round the block resulting in extra control for faster,
smoother tacks and gybes. By moving the block outward from the swivel and
angling it away from the cleat the mainsheet system creates turning force on the
block and jammer meaning the cleat will always be forced to point away from theboom and towards the helm.
Key Features
- Self aligning to windward
- Smooth rotation
- Innovative light weight construction.
- Dual ball race for maximum efficiency.
- Optional click stops limit swivel rotation.
- Line snags virtually eliminated.
- Standard and high cleating angles to suit all.
- Angle of rotations - 180, 220, 360
NB Block not included for illustration purposes only